

Philippo Franchini and band

New album by my new group, Brother John's Jubilee

Coming Autumn 2023

La Sirena

A rich pallet of musical flavors chronicling Philippo’s inner and outer journeys of traveling, performing, meditating, and loving.

Learn more.

Magic and Grace

Music that reaches into the Heart and opens a portal to the sublime. Dreamy, sensual, and meditative. Composed for yoga, meditation, and healing modes by a yogi musician.

Resonate: The Kirtan Call

This is Philippo’s colorful and lovely sonic weaving of his blues/gospel roots, guitar finesse and many years of Kirtan mantra chanting. The Musical Alchemist!


Masterful Acoustic guitar based music, with Flamenco and Classical influences.

The Beloveds

The debut release from a band by the same name comprised of David Newman and Philippo Franchini. The Beloveds’ music is a standout and groundbreaking release in the unique and burgeoning genre of positive or inspirational rock.

Philippo Franchini Music | 2019